This blog is a focussed experiment. I wanted to test my ability to publish and produce a taut multi-media blog on something. I attended TAM7 in July. It struck me as the perfect 4-day crash course. The "course" didn't go as well as I hoped, but I learned a lot. I'm continuting to update as I have the opportunity to - eventually I'll have covered the entirety of my experience at the conference.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The First Night

Okay... that was cool.

So the short version is:

Our room number is 2012 and everyone thinks that's funny.

I walked right into Brian Brushwood at the opening reception. Had an excellent chat about passionate skepticism and podcasting and magic.

At the Canadian contingent meeting Paul was a star. His professional trials stole the show. A BIG round of applause. Very cool.

Screened "Beast" to about a dozen folks (about the right number for the room) and it seems to have been a roaring success. Was asked to do an interview for a radio show based on the strength of the screening.

Oh... and THIS came up in my news feed just before I wrote this... weird.
And now... Bed.

8am SGU show will come fast.

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